I was thinking the other day.... In fact, I was thinking about thinking. I think that although we all think a lot, we often don't think about our thinking very much. Perhaps if we would take the time to think about our thinking, we might think a little better in the process.
This all might sound a bit funny, but I think its true. Some people talk like thinking is a bad thing to do - but in reality, its not that they're not thinking, its just that they're not thinking about their thinking.
When we fail to think about our thinking, we make a lot of assumptions. And as we all know, to assume can make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'... haha - that is an old joke and a bad one...
I am aware that the postmodern generation can be accused of overthinking sometimes... thinking at the expense of doing... But perhaps this is just because people are actually hungry to think... and they're sick of not thinking about their thinking.
The challenge of course, in all of this, is to ensure that thinking goes hand in hand with doing. In fact, thinking without doing is very dangerous. But I would argue that doing without thinking is also dangerous.... it is doing without thinking that has landed us in a big mess time after time.
Thinking about our thinking is challenging though... it requires us to reflect on what motivates us, and what inspires us. It forces us to confront our own biases and presumptions. It also stops us from justifying the means to get to the ends. Thinking about thinking can be uncomfortable. If we don't take the time to do it, then we can excuse the consequences to our actions by saying that we never realised and we didn't know. We can get what we want by spurious means, but never take the time to be aware of our own ambition.
And then, if we actually manage to accept the challenge of thinking about our thinking, we can struggle to find time and space to do it. We are all so busy making life happen. Getting things done. We can shove thinking about our thinking to the side. It becomes a luxury for those with far too much spare time on their hands.
But if I can encourage you to do anything these holidays (other than relaxing and having a sweet time with family and friends) - it would be to take some time to think about what and why you think about things. Take the time to ask yourself some questions...
Why do you do what you do? What gives your life meaning? What motivates you? Who are the most important people in your life, and how are your relationships with them going? What challenges you, and what do you find difficult? Why?
All sorts of questions that help us to understand ourselves and our lives, and help us to understand the way we think on a daily basis. And if you come up with an answer to one of these questions, try and come up with 3 new questions to ask about the answer you've come up with. This can really lead you into a new level of understanding your sense of self, and your place in the world.
Thinking about your thinking can become a powerful and life changing pattern. At least that's what I think.